Monday, December 26, 2005

.::personal love::.

Our main problem with love is that we take it personally.
Personally means - in separation, as a property right.
Personally means - under certain conditions.

When we talk about love we usually mean conditioned love - full of romance, sentimentality and drama. It is shaped by our personal upbringing, by what we heard or read.

We believe that our image of love is true love. The image consists of value systems, ideals and dreams. If I believe to meet this image in you, I believe to be in love with you. But I am in love with my own image.

My image of myself sees my image of you. And your image of yourself sees your image of me. Images feel, kiss and make love. If after some time, your or my behavior no longer fits our images, we feel hurt, angry and uncaring.

Personal love has also a great beauty. It is often a door or a teacher. But we suffer so much from it. We have to guard it all the time, fearing it could break any moment. Is love hurting, transient and strenuous?
Personal love is often full of greed.

It wants to possess and to control. It wants to decide what it loves. It defines you and me and loses contact to the beauty of our indescribable being.

Personal love is part of our prison. Within it we can never be free.

Posted by le bitch :: 22:03 : 7 Comments:

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____(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )_____
Thursday, December 08, 2005

come to my lake

If you would be busy and fill your pitcher, come, O come to my
The water will cling round your feet and babble its secret.
The shadow of the coming rain is on the sands, and the clouds
hang low upon the blue lines of the trees like the heavy hair
above your eyebrows.
I know well the rhythm of your steps, they are beating in my
Come, O come to my lake, if you must fill your pitcher.

If you would be idle and sit listless and let your pitcher float
on the water, come, O come to my lake.
The grassy slope is green, and the wild flowers beyond number.
Your thoughts will stray out of your dark eyes like birds
from their nests.
Your veil will drop to your feet.
Come, O come to my lake if you must sit idle.
If you would leave off your play and dive in the water,
O come to my lake.
Let your blue mantle lie on the shore; the blue water
will cover you and hide you.
The waves will stand a-tiptoe to kiss your neck
and whisper in your ears.
Come, O come to my lake,
if you would dive in the water.
If you must be mad and leap to your death, come,
O come to my lake.
It is cool and fathomlessly deep.
It is dark like a sleep that is dreamless.
There in its depths nights and days are one,
and songs are silence.
Come, O come to my lake,
if you would plunge to your death.

Rabindranat Tagore

Posted by le bitch :: 10:22 : 5 Comments:

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____(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )_____
Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ѕвездите и вашите стравови

Не плашете ги ѕвездите
бидејќи уплашени ве плашат вас
а вие уплашени убивате.

Не плашете ги ѕвездите
бидејќи ја темнат својата светлина
а темнејќи исчезнуваат во ништината
каде што вие сте изгубени.

Не плашете ги ѕвездите
бидејќи светат во темница
над вас и вашите стравови.

Не плашете ги ѕвездите
бидејќи ве чинат да сте добри
и во таа добрина вие лечите.

Не плашете ги ѕвездите
бидејќи уплашени ве плашат вас.

by Владо Н.
just borowed

Posted by le bitch :: 22:11 : 5 Comments:

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____(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )_____
remindes me ♥n first l♥ve...ahhh

Posted by le bitch :: 22:03 : 3 Comments:

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____(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )_____

На почетокот радост... за се што се надевав, за се што сонував и мечтаев... А не беше многу. Само едно срце и малку место за мене во него, Сеќавања на радоста... Зимска ноќ... оган во каминот и многу свеќи насекаде... Вино и рози...сакав и сакаше...сакавме... совршено. Да знаев дека е последно ќе уживав повеќе...
На средината разочарување... Траеше кратко... А можеше да биде засекогаш, но... не сакав... не сакаше... или не се потрудивме... Сега е веќе сеедно...
На крајот тага... за сето што не било... а можело да биде... не знаев... дали ти знаеше?
Дали вреди да се тагува за илузија???

Posted by le bitch :: 22:01 : 2 Comments:

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____(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )_____
the sweetnes of the moment

Погледите им се сретнаа...повторно таа вечер...знаеше дека сака да го има... да ја има и тој неа... детската срамежливост ја снема во моментот кога беше близу... и повторно скриени погледи... скриени допири... зачекори тој... зачекори таа по него... танцуваа... танцуваа со страст и со љубов... а
нивниот танц беше ритуал... мала тајна... и ништо повеќе. Никогаш немаше повеќе... Овој сладок флерт секогаш завршуваше со сладок бакнеж во челото... но не и оваа вечер... не сакаше и оваа вечер да остане сама... Го сакаше него...
Ја зеде неговата дланка во својата... го повлече во најтемниот агол... Се бакнуваа... силно, страсно... Неговата рака се движеше низ нејзината коса... потоа почна да се спушта надолу... по грбот... под блузата... нејзините гради се топеа под неговиот допир... потоа пак надолу... и го подигна здолништето... Одеднаш се стивна... Ја немаше гласната музика... ги немаше здодевните лица... Се слушаше само нивниот забрзан пулс и тивките воздишки... Беа сами...Единствени... Тој и Таа... Адам и Ева во рајската градина... Допири и воздишки... страст и љубов...неговите раце на неа... неговото тело припиено до нејзиното...
А потоа голема експлозија... но слатка...
Доволно голема за да ја свати сета вистина и доволно слатка за да продолжи да живее за неа...
И надеж дека не е крај... А сепак беше...

Posted by le bitch :: 21:58 : 0 Comments:

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____(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )_____
.:living on my own:.

И денес беше таков ден...
еден од "оние" денови... И денес не бев добра девојка... така ми рекоа... своеглава... неразумна... А зошто? Никогаш не сваќам... Сите се луди или нешто не е во ред со мене???Сакам да знам повеќе... да видам повеќе да чувствувам повеќе... Што има погрешно во тоа??? Дали е лошо тоа што сакам да чекорам по тревата со боси нозе... или да ја распуштам косата за ветерот да ми ја милува.... или можеби затоа што сакам да го чувствувам сонцето на моево голо тело? Никогаш нема да ги сватам...никогаш нема да ме сватат...не мораат а и не сакам... Јас пак ќе бидам своеглава, тврдоглава, неразумна и своја... ќе бидам среќна...

Posted by le bitch :: 21:32 : 0 Comments:

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____(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )_____
my horoscope

Sun Sign: Gemini
Rising Sign: Sagittarius
Life Path Number: 9
Chinese Sign: Ox

Mode: Mutable
Ruler: Mercury
Color: Orange, Yellow
Famous Geminis:

Angelina Jollie, Josephine Baker, George Bush, Jacques Cousteau, Bob Dylan, M.C. Escher, Melissa Etheridge, Anne Frank, Judy Garland, Steffi Graf, Henry Kissinger, Thomas Mann, Paul McCartney, Marilyn Monroe, Joyce Carol Oates, Isabella Rossellini, Kathleen Turner, John Wayne


Amiable, articulate, clever, communicative, curious, fickle, flexible, inconsistent, proficient, sociable, supple, versatile, vivacious

Anxious, calculating, cynical, hypocritical, nervous, restless, shallow, sly, superficial, unpredictable, unstable, volatile

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, the sign that is characterized by communication. Geminis are very intellectual individuals, and are forever interested in broadening their horizon – they are eternal students! Mercury, the planet of communication, rules your sign, and makes you an articulate and versatile person, Biljana. You are outgoing and sociable, and due to your lively attitude, you are the born entertainer. Clever and ingenious, you usually get what you want with your charm and wit.

First of the three air signs, you are a dexterous, multifaceted, and flexible individual. As the most diverse and eloquent sign of the zodiac, you crave mental stimulation above all. Your curiosity, combined with your ability to synthesize information, makes you the messenger of knowledge and information.

As a Gemini, you rule the third house, the sector of your chart that describes how you perceive, process, and communicate facts. You are a mutable sign, responsible for keeping information flowing. You are gifted in adapting to situations and making compromises. Of all the zodiac signs, you are the peacemaker and troubleshooter who actively finds solutions to tricky situations.

Optimism and enthusiasm are defining terms for you, as a Sagittarius Rising. Particularly drawn to travel, Biljana, you love exploration, as your mind is open to all new avenues of thought. You are idealistic, full of energy, and adventurous, and want to expand your boundaries to discover new possibilities.

Your ambitions are geared to large-scale goals and you love to overcome obstacles, live up to challenges, and reach out for the stars to bring them down to earth. You can be considered a person of the future because your eyes are always focused on what lies ahead of you. You demand freedom, and find yourself drawn to protecting those whose freedom may be infringed upon, such as children or animals. Fighting for any cause you find worthwhile is second nature to you.

You are constantly searching for the true meaning of our existence in this world, and therefore, you are fascinated by philosophical, religious, and scientific truths. At the same time, you are ethical in your thinking and have high moral standards.

Your Life-Path number is probably the most influential numerological aspect to be considered, Biljana, and represents who you are at the time of birth. It indicates specific traits and will likely be active and influential throughout your lifetime. It is the overall number that determines much of what will be important to you and how you will handle things as they come.

If your Life-Path number is NINE, yours is a philosophical number. In this, you’re likely to hold an elevated position that poses certain responsibilities in the scheme of things. You’re likely to be extremely compassionate and giving up material goods for the common good of all may be something that is a regular occurrence in your life.

NINE personalities tend to be trustworthy and honorable. A NINE harbors no prejudice and feels deeply for those who are less fortunate. You will help others in any way you possibly can as a NINE is driven by the desire to make the world a better place.

A Chinese proverb says, "The ox is slow but the earth is patient". You go through life with determination and common sense. You love nature and so like working outdoors. You also like quiet cottages, and have respect for traditions. You are solid, with a quiet interior force that people can count on. You also have a great sense of humanity, are loyal, honest, upright, faithful, and have integrity.

No job turns you off when you have made a decision and you never go back on your word even if it means being unduly stubborn. You suppress your emotions, and hide them most of the time - notably when you are in love because you are afraid of being rejected. You are not afraid of solitude, and prefer spending your evenings in a quiet cottage in the countryside rather than a Parisian lounge watching the beautiful people go by. A little bit rustic, you are not a diplomat, and let others know what you think without hesitation.

If someone attacks you, you fight back like a bull with your head lowered and horns ready to gouge your enemy. Those who hurt you or those close to you should watch out: you hold grudges for a long time - excessively so - and never forget a name or a face. You always get sweet revenge... even several years later. Your fault: You're a bad loser and can't stand failure.

Well, this is my horoscope..
Do u actually beleive in horoscopes?

Posted by le bitch :: 15:28 : 5 Comments:

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